Blending the best technical minds with academics and industry experts from across the globe to deliver high impact results.

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Mark Harrison

Founder & Managing Partner
Founder and Managing Partner. Ex-startup founder, ex-Barclays Ventures and former Royal Navy.

Adm. Sir George Zambellas

Former First Sea Lord of the UK Royal Navy and Technologist.

Tom Charman

Chief Science Officer
Behavioral scientist for 10+ years. Exited founder. TEDx speaker on AI and former advisor to UN.

Biran Yucel

Head of AI
AI specialist & ML engineer with 8+ years experience bringing a wide-range of client facing solutions to life.

Olivia Higgs

Head of Product
Multi-time founder, product manager and former TEDx speaker on impact of AI on society.

Vatsal Shah

Data Scientist
Exited founder and data scientist with background in robotics and federated learning.

Richard Franklin

Advisor - Defense & Space
Former MD Defence and Space at Airbus, ex-Qinetic, ex-Cable and Wireless.

Tamas Madl

Advisor - Healthcare
PhD Machine Learning Group, AWS and McKinsey Senior Data Scientist, Start-up founded and AGI leader.

Emily Johnson

A seasoned lawyer who studied a PhD in Data Privacy and with focus on Ethical AI.

Niklas Fürderer

Data Scientist
A senior data scientist with a speciality in HealthTech and a background at Ribbn and CrowdCollective.

Remy Messadene

Data Scientist
Studied a PhD AI Reinforcement Learning and Robotics at Oxford and an exited founder.

Pedro Baiz

AI Researcher
A PhD in Aeronautical Engineering with a 20 year career in data science, IoT and AI applied to the 17 SDGs.

Ravid Shwartz Ziv

Senior AI Architect
Prof at NYU Center for Data Science, with Andrew Gordon Wilson & Yann LeCun on Bayesian deep networks, information theory & self-supervised learning. Ph.D. from Hebrew University & Google Ph.D. Fellowship. Researcher at Intel’s AI Research Group & worked at Google Brain on DNN generalization.

Steve Prest

Senior Naval and NATO Expert
25 years in the Royal Navy including Director of Ships Acquisition and Advisor to NATO.

Tima Anwana-Gangl

Ethical and Privacy AI Expert
A strong background in African Data Privacy law and ethical AI with technology, including modern slavery assessments.

Chris Harper

Criminal Barrister and Technology Expert
A CPS criminal barrister with extensive experience prosecuting and defending offences involving violence, drugs and dishonesty. With a focus on technology change in legal.